MB Brain Teasers
MB Brain Teasers is a collection of programs related
to the development and working of the brain. It
includes the Brain Test, Masculine Feminine Test and
the Emotional Quotient Quiz. These are all fun
softwares and only for the purpose of entertainment.
MB Brain Test is a simple brain dominance test. This
quiz gives a basic idea about which hemisphere of the
brain is more dominant, the right or the left or both
are being equally used. Emotional Intelligence or
Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a term used to measure how
much you understand your inner self and the tasks you
can perform satisfactorily without getting stressed or
depressed. MB Emotional Quotient Test attempts to give
you a clearer picture about yourself so that you can
work on the areas that are weak for you to lead a
better life. MB Masculine Feminine Test helps
understand the masculinity and feminity of a person's
brain patterns. This helps in understanding your
thought process and understanding the reasons for
certain actions. MB Brain Teasers is a simple and easy
to use tool that helps you understand yourself better