Convert SQL Server 2005 To MySQL - Version MSSQL to MySQL database conversion software convertsMicrosoft SQL database to MySQL database. MSSQL toMySQL record conversion utility is easy to install andfast tool. MSSQL to MySQL database conversion softwaresupports all Windows operating system like window 98,XP, NT and VISTA. MSSQL to MySQL database migrationutility maintains database integrity. MSSQL to MySQLrecord conversion software converts record and storesthat database at specified location. MSSQL to MySQLdatabase migration utility supports both small andlarge database. MSSQL to MySQL record converter toolsupports all type of Microsoft SQL attributes and datatypes. MSSQL to MySQL database converter softwaresupports all default value constraints includingunique, primary key constraint, null value and indexeswith necessary attributes. MSSQL to MySQL databaseconversion tool converts database within few minuteswithout any error. MSSQL to MySQL record migrationsoftware provides graphical user interface. MSSQL toMySQL database conversion software provides fullinstall and uninstall support. MSSQL to MySQL recordconversion software supports Unicode architecture.Microsoft SQL to MySQL database migration utilitysupports all type of database schema.Features:* MSSQL to MySQL database conversion software transfersMicrosoft SQL database to MySQL database within fewminutes without loss of any additional information.* MSSQL to MySQL record migration software convertsentire record or selected table’s record withoutchanging in source file and stores that database atspecified location.* MSSQL to MySQL database converter utility supportsall versions of MSSQL and MySQL database server.* MSSQL to MySQL database migration utility convertsdatabase even that tables are stored at new location oroverwrite the existing database server.