Exchange Mailbox to Outlook PST
Enstella Exchange Mailbox to Outlook PST recovery software which is the best convert Exchange to PST too. With the help of Exchange to PST converter or Exchange to Outlook converter tool Exchange admin or Exchange users can easily recover corrupt Exchange database file and re-manage their EDB file into PST file after converting EDB to PST. Exchange mailbox to Outlook PST tool has fast scanning process through which you can easily read and recover inaccessible EDB emails with their objects-to, bcc, cc, subject, sent/received date and time etc. EDB to outlook recovery tool easily extract Exchange mailbox from such supportive version of Exchange server- 5.0/5.5/2000/2003 /2007 after deducting any kinds of critical issues and then safely convert exchange mailbox to PST mailbox including emails archives of EDB mailbox-contacts, journals, sent items, received items, junks emails, draft items, inbox folders, outgoing mails, personnel folders etc.Enstella Exchange mailbox to Outlook PST software has some unique features-