Hotel Reservation System - Version Hotel Reservation System is an intuitive and very easyto operate software designed to manage all the hoteland guest house operations like reservation, checkin,checkout, billing and reporting etc. Hotel hospitalitysoftware has all the dynamic & versatile featuresrequired to run your hotel, motel and guest housebusiness. Hotel management software offers anoperational integration between reservations, guesthistory, reception/ front desk, Sales Ledger,Accounting and Reporting modules.Hotel Reservation System is wide-ranging software suitecomprise of integrated modules for numerous features ofhotel management. You can analyze the booking,reservation, checkin & checkout trends and work towardsyour forthcoming future requirements. Managingreplication of customer records and records theircomments on hospitality. Make food allergy notes,record special events and birth dates. Make yourcustomers feel unique and special by recording personalnotes. Hotel & motel Reservation software is a programdesigned to manage daily booking or checkin checkout ofguesthouse or hotel rooms. It uses a MS Access databaseon backend database. Reservations can be assigned touser defined rooms or sweets.Main Features:• Customize Hotel rooms with prices. • Save the client's information into the database priorto Booking or Checkin for any forthcoming use. • Reservation for the customer for specific date withadvance payment insertions. • Checkin for the specified duration & room will appearengaged for the duration. • Checkout hotel after complete payment insertion. Operational Advantages:• Every single instance you make a reservation, theroom status is modified and the customer details areadded to your hotel database.• Use the once entered records for life time for therepeated customers. • Better option for expensive Customer Relations.