Employee Payroll Software - Version Employee staff scheduling software maintains shiftschedules, day to day attendance, leave, payroll,travel/trip and vacation details of employees. Employeeoffice scheduling software is easy to use program thatsaves time and efforts allowing management to focus onbusiness goals. Employee time tracking software reducesoverall cost associated with staff scheduling andplanning needs of company. Employee shift schedulingprogram keep track of employees leave details includingsick leave, tour/travel leave, Casual leave and maritalleave. Employee time tracking utility provides perfectsolution for organization including call center andhelp desk, fire department, IT firm, hotel andhospitality, transport, manufacturing and many more.Employees shift scheduling program automatically createdetails employee work hours, overtime shifts thathelps generating payroll slip of employees. Employeetime tracking software supports all major Windowsoperating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003, XP,NT, ME, Vista and Windows7. Office scheduling softwareeasily adjusts in any business frame and providesautomated solution to get rid of paper recordscheduling complexities. Employee management systemprovides simple graphical interface, ensuringconsistency and quality of information. Employee timetracking utility facilitates to print various reportsincluding company report, employees report andemployees list in paper form.Features:-* Employee staff scheduling software provides accuratetool to keep track of employees daily attendance record.* Employee time and attendance software easilymaintains staff in and out details that helps inknowing which employee is in or out of office.* Employee calendar software maintains accurate detailsof employee salaries including deduction and increment.