Word to JPG Converter - Version 4.3 Word toJPG Converter is competent and high-speedconverter to convert multiple Microsoft Word documentsto particular defined image formats involving TIFF,PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF and so on. Converter is designedwith extremely effectual and leading edge interface totransform multifarious word documents including doc,docx, docm etc to any image file type with definingspecific required attributes such that image depth,resolution etc. Application offers fully versatile toolfor every unique conversion of all word files involvingtext, graphs, charts, images, tables, header-footer andother formatting to specific image format very precisely.Word toJPG Converter easily converts number of worddocuments to image files in batches without affectingdata and quality from same or diverse destinations.Package also supports password protected word documentsand converts conveniently in different image formats.Converter acquires original word document withoutimplementing any distortion or alteration during andafter conversion. Key Features * Easily converts word documents to preferred imageformat. * Transforms any version doc, docx, docm files toany image file catgeroy. * Supports various image file formats like Tiff,jpeg, png, bmp and so many for conversion. * Proficient in batch conversion. * Allow to transform multiple word documentsexisting in multiple directories. * Less time consuming to convert simple or complexformatting oriented word documents. * Comprises original word documents within originalstructure and data. * Set image depth, resolution and other attributesfor image file developed through transforming word file. * Elegant and user friendly interface. * Compatible with all Windows operating systemsi.e. 98, 2000, XP, Vista ant others. * Inexpensive and Standalone application convertsseveral word documents without any third party software.