Barcode Generation - Version 5.1 Great Barcode Generator is highly optimized,professional software to create and print customizedbarcodes in large bulks for miscellaneous industriesand commercial sectors. Barcode Generator provides mostcommon 26 barcode fonts such as UPC, ISBN, Codabar,Code 39, EAN, Postnet and others to develop uniquebarcodes appropriately in nominal time. BarcodeSoftware is extremely expedient tool to generate singleor sequential list barcodes by defining specificbarcode values and range with additional informationlike Item Code, Name etc through Text Above and Below.Barcode Generator incorporates various settings &formatting functionality to create optimized barcodesand design flawless barcodes through ideal previewpanel with measuring scale for all distinguishedlayouts including labels, tags, ribbons, coupons andmany more. Barcode Generator facilitates to printbarcodes by ordinary or barcode printer and completelyexpert to print barcodes with all pre-defined labelsviz. APLI, AVERY, AONE and all others.Software comprises significant features to save barcodevalues and additional information in different imageformats like JPG, GIF, EMF etc. Barcode Generatorproffers option to import and export barcodeinformation through text and excel files for reuse.Great Barcode Generator generates bulk of printable andscannable barcodes for multifarious sectors such asManufacturing, Automobiles, Security Services,Entertainment and many more without involving thirdparty software and immense technical knowledge. GreatBarcode Generator is inexpensive Windows applicationand compatible with all old and latest versions.Key Features:• Easy to use, swift tool to generate barcodes.• Allow to create barcode from 26 barcode fonts.• Creates bulk of high resolution barcodes.• Efficient to develop constant and sequential listbarcodes.• Conveniently prints via any ordinary printer.• Windows compliant software i.e. Windows 98, 2000, XP,Vista, Windows 7 etc.