Pool Chemical - Version V1 Pool chemical is used in the pool water to keep the multiplication of bacteria and algae at bay. A pool which is not treated appropriated with chemicals can be a breeding ground for numerous kinds of diseases. Most of the people managing pools make use of chlorine. They usually use chlorine tablets or use it in its gaseous state. There are usually different chemical compounds which react with the chlorine present in water to form much more stable agents which provide better cleansing for swimming pools. One example could be the cyanuric acid.To maintain the cleanliness some pools have automatic filters attached to them. The alkaline levels or the ph levels should be around 7.2 or 7.8. To raise the ph levels one simply needs to add sodium bicarbonate and to reduce the ph levels one can simply add sodium bisulphate. It is important that you know to handle all the chemicals safely. A simple miscalculation in the amount of chemicals can cause serious problems.