Barcode Label Maker - Version Best and comprehensive Barcode Label Maker softwareoffer users to conveniently create and print highquality barcode labels, security tags, stickers,holograms, barges, wrist bands, asset tags and manymore in just few clicks of mouse. Standard barcodelabel designing application is compatible with allcommonly used barcode font symbologies including codabar, Code 11, Code 128, Industrial 2 of 5, ISBN 13,Interleaved 2 of 5, MSI Plessey, ISBN 13, Standard 2 of5, Planet, Telepen, Postnet, Aztec, Databar, DatabarCode 128, MICR Font, MaxiCode, Databar UPCE and others.Graphical user interface facilitates users tofrequently work with barcode label designingapplication (Standard edition) without havingtechnically specialized knowledge or professionallyexpert guidance for operating. offerusers to save generated assets tags and barcode stickerimages in different file extensions including jpeg,png, tiff, riff, exif, bmp, emf, wmf, jpg, bitmap, gif,tif and many others at specified location in computersystem or laptop for future reference.Features:* Affordable Barcode Label Maker application offerusers to quickly design and print colorful and eyecatchy security tags and hologram images in easiest way.* Barcode designing utility (Standard edition) enableusers to efficiently generate barcode labels imagesaccording to their business needs and requirements.* Innovative Barcode Label Creator Software - Standardallow users with advanced functionality to set barcodevalue, font, dimension, color, caption, height andother setting of created barcode images.* Barcode generating tool is useful in various sectorsincluding health care centers, retail industry, postoffices, banking institutions, supply and distributionindustry and others.* Barcode creator software facilitates users withadvanced print setting functionality that enable userto easily print colorful images.