Publisher Barcode Maker - Version Company pleaded to introduces compatible and convenientPublisher Barcode Maker software that empowers user tocreate bulk book barcode labels in numerous shape andsize according to client choice with use of uniqueimage designing objects including line, pen, circle,pencil, star, square, triangle, rectangle, text,rounded rectangle, ellipse and many more. Mostinnovative Publisher Barcode Maker program offers complete solutionfor generating versatile publishing house and libraryspecific label images in form of sticker, coupon andtags etc without hiring any technical expertise. Withthe aid of flexible label creator tool you cansuccessfully modify multiple settings of your createdbook sticker, library tags, magazine coupon andpublisher labels like barcode header, footer, height,width, background color, arc, barcode text value, size,gradient, font and similarly many other settings insmaller amount of time without doing much efforts. Easyto operate Publisher Barcode Maker application craftswonderful looking book coupons in most affordable andconvenient manner. Comprehensive label maker utilitysaves overall details at user specified location havingdifferent graphics like jpg, jpeg, tiff, bitmap, exif,gif, bmp and png etc in your personal computer orlaptop. Publisher Barcode Maker software provides useradvanced barcode series created techniques that assistthem in producing bulk size library and publishinghouse barcode images just in few mouse clicks.Reasonable priced barcode generator tool can beoperated by both technical as well as home user withouthaving any prior skill.Features:* Publisher Barcode Maker program efficiently runs onall OS under Windows with no extra software installation.* Label designing utility produces colorful bookstickers in cost effective and timely manner.* Publisher Barcode Maker tool allows user to craftsupreme quality label images for library and worldwidepublishing companies.