ID Card Design Software - Version Free download ID Card Design Software from for instantly generates versatilebadges and holograms without any extra technicalknowledge or expert guidance. Reliable cards designapplication is capable of making bulk barcode hologramsand stickers in different shapes like ellipse,rectangle, rounded rectangle etc. Easy to use ID CardDesign Software provides facility to create studentcards, employee or security labels in few easy mouseclicks. Brilliant ID Card Design Software createstylish visiting badges using different designingobjects like line, pencil, ellipse, rectangle, images,texts, star, arc, triangle, barcode etc. Outstandingdesign ID cards application helps to print generatedbulk badges with advanced print setting options.Professional ID Card Design Software supports all majorwindows based systems for efficiently generatingcolorful student and employee cards. Advanced ID CardDesign Software takes up less space in memory forinstallation and generates printable holograms foremployees and students. Brilliant design ID labelssoftware creates multiple visiting stickers withdifferent barcode and text value. Reliable ID CardDesign Software provides advanced barcode settingoptions while designing business or visiting badges.Features:* Brilliant ID Card Design Software creates barcodevisiting badges and student cards without any extracost or effort.* Innovative barcode ID cards maker program usedifferent images designing objects like line, ellipse,rectangle, pencil etc for making stylish labels.* Excellent ID Card Design Software provides easyfacility to create business labels in different styles,size, color or shape.* Professional ID labels create program providesfacility to save generates cards in different formatslike jpg, gif, png etc.