Brilliant Database SDK - Version 5.1 Brilliant Database SDK is a program that allows you to c reate a database without having a ny special knowledge or skills, and to compile it in to an EXEcutable file. Brilliant DB al lows you to easily maintain a database, which can con tain information about personnel, cus tomers, goods, important papers and more. With this prog ram, you can create a database that works with completely different types of data. To a ccomplish these goals, the program consists of 6 power ful editors and the EXE compi ler: 1. T h e Visual Form Editor is a landmark feature of Brilli ant Database. This allows you to cre ate a new database quickly and easily. You choose a required element from the element set and put it into the form. Here you can use lists, t ext, image or password fields, buttons and more. You can modify such properti