Slawdog AquiView - Version 1.0 Slawdog AquiView is a small cross-platform utility forimporting and exporting graphics formats. It is capableof taking in 10 different file formats and convertingthem into three types of formats. Basic editing canalso be applied using an included plugin, and newimages can be created through screenshot taking. As abonus, AquiCam is also capable of opening any audio,video, and image formats supported by QuickTime. Thisprogram is free and runs on Windows, Macintosh, andLinux (see our website for more information). SlawdogAquiView currently supports the following formats (notincluding Quicktime-supported formats): Windows Bitmap (BMP) Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG, JPEG) Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Portable Bitmap (PBM) Portable Graymap (PGM) X-Windows Screen Dump (XWD) X-Windows Bitmap (XBM) X-Windows Pixmap (XPM) MacOS PICT (PIC, PCT, PICT) (on Mac only)