SI-Metric Kids - Version 1.82 This program is a pictorial easy-to-use general purposeconversion utility designed for everybody from cooks toengineers to grandfathers that you can use to convertbetween the US and metric systems. SI-Metric Kidsfeatures Liquid, Distance, Area, Weight, Temperature,and Time Zone measurement categories. The Time Zonecategory allows you to find display the time in anotherarea by selecting either the country or city (US andInternational) and displaying that time relative toyour own local time. Our city and country list isextensive taking into account regions in the world,such as the state of Florida here in the US, which sitsinside two different time zones.Are you confused by long arcane lists of units, oureasy-to-use button interface allows for quickconversions. ButterflyVista avoids the traditionalboring gray user interface motif and attempts toredefine the software interface by marrying colors,art, and form to functionality to create a fulfillingexperience. Don't think of SI-Metric Kids as justanother scientific calculator, as it is no calculator. We've integrated an extensive unit and time zoneencyclopedia that shows you the origins and history ofeach of the units. We even go beyond that, but you'llhave to download the product and see for yourself.Do you like to cook? Are you an artist? Are you ateacher or an engineer? Are you a student? No matterwhat profession or hobby no one can be an island. Welive in the international world, where competing unitsystems and different time zones exist. Both peopleand businesses need to be fluent in many systems. LetSI-Metric Kids help you. Download your copy today.