Pic2Pic - Version 3.1 Pic2Pic is a batch image converter that allows subtleconfiguration of the output settings. Along with thefeatures typical for most image conversion software,Pic2Pic delivers some unique options, such asconversion of PDF and EPS images (with the help ofGhostscript) and support for RAW formats of over 100digital photo cameras. Pic2Pic provides a simpleinterface and scores of advanced settings. Thisincludes the output format, destination folder to savethe output, and some editing actions. Pic2Pic lets youresize and rotate images, adjust brightness andcontrast, cut off edges after scanning, add watermarksand even frames! Changes can be previewed prior toimage conversion, which is good because you have anopportunity to play with the settings to achieve thebest possible conversion results. Once the parametershave been specified, Pic2Pic will convert all imagesone by one in the batch mode. To do this, you need toclick only one button Start. Pic2Pic is great forexperienced users who will be able to achievefine-grained results in batch image conversion. They'llget a great choice of advanced settings for adjustment,including output color, DPI resolution, changing outputfilenames, multipage file options, and specific filesettings. Pic2Pic supports all popular image formats,so users will not experience any problems because someimage format is not supported by the converter. Userscan add images in such formats as BMP, EMF, GIF, ICO,JPEG, JPG, PDF, EPS, PBM, PPM, PGM, PCX, PNG, TIF,TIFF, TGA, WMF, PCD, PICT, SVG. Conversion can be doneinto one of the following image formats: JPG, GIF, PNG,BMP, TIF, PCX, TGA, JP2, PGM, PPM and PDF.