MSSQL To MySQL Data Base Conversion - Version Convert MSSQL format into MySQL database utility isadvance database migration software that provide safedata conversion and helps to maintain data integrity.Database conversion software is time saving and costeffective utility provides best solution to convertyour whole database from MySQL to MSSQL. MSSQL databaseconversion software is portable with all version ofMSSQL and provides facility to export Microsoft MSSQLdata into new database or overwrite the content of anexisting MySQL database. Tool easily transforms alltype database properties from MSSQL formats to MySQLsuch as indexes, null values, primary key, unique key,constraints and foreign key. MSSQL to MySQL data baseconversion is advance database migration software thateasily converts your database which contains thousandof records in few seconds. Software compatible with allwindows based operating system like XP, Vista, NT, ME,2000 and 2003. Database conversion software providefacility to convert your important database data notonly through user interactive GUI but also to organizeapplication work using command line parameters.Features:* MSSQL to MySQL data base conversion software supportall type data types conversion either it is primarykey, foreign key, null values and constraints.* Support all versions of Microsoft MSSQL database.* There is no requirement of any specific technicalskills to convert database from MSSQL to MYSQL server.* This software is read only and non destructive MSSQLto MySQL database conversion utility.* Tool compatible with all windows based operatingsystem with user interactive graphical user interface(GUI). * Software provides Unicode architecture support andmaintains data integrity in database conversion betweenMSSQL to MySQL.