FunnelVision - Version 2000 A Virtual File Cabinet for Storing Names, Addresses, Accounts, Contacts, Projects, and Finances. Link data such as Payables, Receivables, Lab Data, or any input consisting of dates, characters, appointments, and numbers. Attach any type of file such as images, multimedia, documents, database, spreadsheets, word processing, graphs, and web pages. Visual Folders adapt automatically painting a unique constantly changing panorama, a summary providing best view, access and control through automatic miniature representations Customizable Form Letters, Invoices, Letters, Mailing Labels and Graphs. 26 Langauge Menu, Specialty Lists ,Zip/Town Lookup, Financial Conversions, Loan Calculator, Calendar, and Tree Idea System. Built in fully integrated IE compatible browser with automatic strip link function. Browse up to 50 sites a at a time. Manage and track an unlimited number of linked items and files per folder.