MaxTreeGrid - Version 1.0 MaxTreeGrid is professional cutting-edge AJAX-backedJavaScript treegrid control with feature-rich API,extremely high perfomance of large amounts of data andhighly customizable look and feel . The component isaimed to operate with structured data presentation,thus it allows to represent data in tree, grid and ortreegrid modes. Data can be freely loaded whether fromserver side script such as PHP, JSP, ASP, and others,or JS, XML, CSV, JSON, HTML. Advanced filtering andsorting capabilities are built in in MaxTreeGrid,moreover they can be easily extended according tocustoms preferences. You are allowed to reorder columnsin one grid and rows within one grid or even betweendifferent grids due to well-developed drag-and-dropfunctionality. As extremely productive component,MaxTreeGrid operates with large amounts of data,thereby it efficiently displays 100 or 10000 linesdatasets with equal effect. MaxTreeGrid component isfaster than any of existing competitors and its size isat least half as much than any other lib with similarfeatures. The entire grid functionality occupies barely23 kilobytes (gzip compression), thus the smallerlibrary footprint provides you an unlimited usage ofthe component in intranets or back end systems, andallows to use it on high-loaded pages. What is more,MaxTreeGrid allows an extensive customization of itsdata formats, sorters, editors, filters. Keyboardnavigation is supported in this smart treegridcomponent. All aforementioned features and capabilitiesdemonstrate that MaxTreeGrid is multipurpose productwhich allows to easily create desktop-like solution onweb-pages.