Convert Excel To vCard Mac Contacts - Version 1.0 How to convert excel to vCard Mac contacts file? Ifthis is the question then we are happy to introduce ournew product which is popularly known as the CSV tovCard Mac converter which is eligible in the variousdifferent types of conditions to convert CSV to vCardMac contacts and make your contacts compatible with allthe ios based devices and applications. This tool iscompatible with all the Macintosh applications and yeteligible to convert excel to vCard Mac contacts invarious platforms as it is very much easy and simple toconvert an excel file into the CSV file format which isable to run in both windows and Mac machines.CSV to vCard for Mac converter comes in a premium tooland helps thousand of Mac users to use their backup ofcontacts in one of the most easy and proficient way.There is no need to install this software and user caneasily convert excel to vCard Mac contacts and store itin the desirable place in the local machine for theeasy access of all the contacts.It is free to download and user can easily download itto Convert CSV to vCard Mac contacts and this tool willgoing to help you in the conversion of first fifteencontacts and if user is in the necessity to convertexcel to vCard Mac contacts on a very much larger levelthen a user can take it only in $39 and if you arestill confused about the working or compatibility ofthis tool then you can came in the touch of outtechnical expertise who will solve all your querieslike how to convert excel to vCard Mac contacts file.