Mac Log Manager - Version Highly interactive Mac Log Manager software facilitatesusers with sophisticated feature to economicallymonitor overall unauthorized users performed activitiesincluding typed keyboard keys, accessed documents (likechanges done in any Microsoft word, excel sheets,presentation files etc), removable storage media deviceinsertion or removal activities and many allows you to convenientlyrecord entire clipboard content information (includingcut, copy, paste details). Key logger application forapple Macintosh enable users to secretly track internetactivities including opened web page, visited websites, received or send instant messages, downloadeditems, played games, online chat conversation done byusing AOL, MSN messenger, yahoo messenger, Gtalk, Bing,Face book, Orkut, AIM, hi5, Twitter, Big String,MySpace and many more. Specialized PC data managerprogram for mac efficiently capture all removablestorage media device insertion activities including zipdrive, pen drive, memory card, external hard diskdrive, thumb drive, memory stick, digital camera, jumpdrive and other similar devices. Features:* Expertise Mac Log Manager Software enable users tosimply record entire unauthorized user performedactivities such as pressed keyboard keys and clipboardcontent details.* Mac Log Manager Utility offers sophisticated featurefor users to run application in stealth or invisiblemode and remains hidden from installation files andfolders.* GUI feature allows users to friendly work with Mackey logger software without taking any specializedprofessional guidance or technical training for operating.* Software facilitates users to track and recordoverall online chat conversation details in completehidden mode.