Mac Mass Mailer - Version 3.4 Full-featured mass mailer for the Apple Macintoshcomputer supporting message templates and recipientdatabases. It offers everything you need to create andmaintain mailing lists for different needs and sendmass messages directly form your Mac at a very high speed.The program uses Apple Mail's message deliveryframework to deliver your messages. This means that 100percent of your email messages will get deliveredproperly to recipient mailboxes as if they weredelivered by Apple Mail in a regular way.The recipient database is fully customizable. You canadd as many recipient fields as you want and use themin message templates for the purpose of personalizingyour messages. Each recipient will receive anindividualized message as if it were separately sentwith Apple Mail personally for him in a regular way.The message creation mechanism is the same as in AppleMail. Each message may contain colorful text indifferent fonts, pictures and attachments. You can evencopy an HTML document to the clipboard and then pasteit to the message editor of Mac Mass Mailer if youalready have one ready to be sent.Mac Mass Mailer also lets you suspend your currentsending and resume it later at any time. This mechanismworks on a per-document basis. Every mailing projectcan be suspended and resumed independently. Sendingstatistics is greatly visualized. You do not have todeal with log files you do not understand. It's assimple as one, two and three; in your mailing groups,the successful recipients become green, the badrecipients become red and the unprocessed ones stayblack as they were before you hit the Start button.The Import and Export feature in the program is sopowerful that you can import email addresses and otherrecipient data from virtually any files. The programcan even travel through your hard drive and extract allemail addresses from all your files and directories.The user interface is designed according to Mac OS Xguidelines.