PCL to Any Converter Shell for Mac - Version 2.0 VeryPDF PCL to Any Converter Shell for Mac is used toconvert PCL (PRN, PXL, SPL and PX3) to PDF, PS, EPS,TIFF, JPEG, PNG, TGA, BMP and PCX. It is a powerful andhelpful application that can help you convert PCL toany other formats. VeryPDF PCL to Any Converter Shellfor Mac also supports custom page size and resolution. Feature of VeryPDF PCL to Any Converter Shell forMac: 1. Support various PCL formats including PCL XL,PCL5e, PCL5c, and HP-GL/2 (extensions: PCL, PRN, PXL,and PX3). 2. Support multiple output formats including PDF,PS, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, TGA, BMP, and PCX. 3. Customize output page size and resolution. 4. Option to set color depth for output files. 5. Option to convert PCL to faxable TIFF image. 6. Support Eastern Europe and Middle Easternsymbol sets. 7. Convert PCL to searchable textual PDF. 8. Convert PCL to faxable TIFF image. 9. Convert multipage PCL to multipage TIFF image.