Recover File Mac - Version provides option to restore alltypes of files and folders which are lost due totechnical problem or accidently from corrupted orformatted memory devices. Recover File Mac restore alltypes of images, videos and audios from differentstorage media like hard disk, pen drives, micro cards,flash disks etc with added supports of viewing scannedfiles in thumbnail list. Recovery tool enables us toundelete files easily from any types of crashed orcorrupted disks by running standard search techniquewhich helps to recover files from damaged USB drive.Mac data recovery software recovers erased, deleted ormissing files without any expert training or technicalknowledge with support to all types of major fileextensions. Data retrieval tool can restore documentsand files in major accidental situations likeaccidently formatted disks, crashed drives, logicallycorrupted devices, virus infected disks, technicalhardware malfunction or improper use of devices etc.Data undelete programs supports Mac operating systemand can recover data pictures and video clips from anydigital camera memory stickers and restore them easilyin same files formats as they are in previous stage.Mac data restore program helps to restore formatted ordeleted files and folders from any mobile phone,digital camera, USB disks, memory cards or removablemedia file drive. Software easily restores differenttypes of images and videos using preview of scannedfiles with option to recover all or selected files only.Features:* Mac recovery tool helps to salvage essential data andfiles easily by running different searching techniques.* Software is easy to use and can restore data fromportable devices like memory cards, USB drives, flashmedia etc.* Application facilitates to save recovered files insame extension on local disks or other external storagedevices.