Carb Control Palm+Win - Version 1.1.5 Carb Control is a Palm and Windows application which allow you to track your weight, meals and carb intake and advises you on your diet.This is a completely new permanent weight loss and management protocol that currently does not and will not have a "celebrity" spokesperson, will not have a "designer MD" to attract customers, will not be sold on TV through "Infomercials" nor wind up on the shelves of your local bookstore as yet another Self-Help popular for 3 days wonder diet. My clients will come by word of mouth. And so likely the results that someone you know achieved brought you here now. I believe that results, referrals and testimonies are far more powerful than outrageous claims, snappy adjectives and glitzy brochures! Thanks to the those who have already reached their weight loss goals through the Carb Control system we are quickly evolving into a mainstream weight loss and weight management protocol. A powerful computer/PDA based application devoted to those of you who wish to lose weight, healthfully, AND keep it off, for life.This program was developed by me and for me, Arthur Blank, someone just like you who has struggled for his entire life to try to match the image of his body in his mind to his actual body that others saw.