Yards to Meters Converter
Need a quick and easy way to visually discover the
difference between yards and meters? Yards to Meters
Converter is the way to go! Simply watch conversions
appear before your eyes as you slide up and down the
measurement scale! Its that easy. You will soon
discover general relations between yards and meters
visually. Yards to Meters Converter is a great tool
for both teacher and student alike! Originally, the
meter was one ten-millionth of the distance from the
Equator to the North Pole. Later defined as
1,650,763.73 wavelengths of a krypton-86 atom. In
1983, defined as the distance light travels in
1/299,792,458 of a second. Some believe that a yard
came from the length of a stride. Others believe that
it was the distance from King Henry's nose to the end
of his thumb.