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  Utilities - Disk Management Utilities - Backup and Copy Utilities

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  WinMend File Copy  -  Version  1.4.4

WinMend File Copy is a free and excellent batch file copy tool. Based on extensive testing, and by constantly maximizing the potential of the operating system, WinMend File Copy developed a unique key technique that makes up for the inadequacy of the system's default copy functionality and increases the speed of file copy to be 3 times of the system default. It can resume the interrupted replication and display a list of failed files, such as files occupied by other applications. It is the best help you can ever get to speed up system backup. 1. High-Speed Copy When copying big files and large number of files, the unique duplication engine of this product works 300% faster than the system default, and saves you a lot of time! 2. Copying Resume If copying is interrupted for various reasons such as system crash, it can be resumed from the last

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