Winlock is the best way to protect your computer.
Version 3.02 includes many new features that helps you secure your
computer and a major improvements for the existing features.
Now you can lock the whole computer in just one click or configure your
own security level:
- Hide the desktop icons, the 'Start' button or the Taskbar.
- Disable The Hotkeys.
- Lock any and as many programs or directories of your choice using its
file name or its caption.
- Disable the mouse clicks.
- Lock the boot options.
- Disable the 'Start' button options (Find,Run,Settings etc').
- Hide any drive from 'My Computer'.
- Limit Windows activity time. - Lock the registry access.
- Disable all DOS based programs and the DOS Prompt.
- Use the 'Secure Folder' to lock up all files in it from being
open,copy,rename,delete etc'.
All the new setting will remain when you run your Windows again, and
couldn't be access without the right password.