Pest Control Service
Powerful software to make your pest control business
more efficient. Now you can easily record and view
info on every job you have done (services in termite
control, roach control, carpenter or wood bee control,
rodent and bird control, flea control, cockroach
control, and general pest control which includes ants,
spiders, crickets, waterbugs, silverfish, ladybugs,
clover mites, millipedes, weevils, moths, beetles and
most any other). You can use the scheduler to find the
best fit by viewing dates, times and distance of other
scheduled services to set an appointment for a
customer. Each customer's history is stored and
conveniently displayed on the customers main screen
for ease of look up. Also know what rodent or pest
problems any customer has had, and where those
problems are located, what treatments you have used.
This historical recount is complete and permanently
stored with each customer for quick reference. It's
perfect for workers to plan working hours so that the
orders do not overlap with someone else and keep track
of scheduled appointments. It'll store the information