credit repair
Completely free credit repair ebook CreditExert.com -
Improving your credit scores and repairing your credit
will also take into consideration the time of your
credit history, any outstanding loans or credit cards,
and credit applications. Any time you apply for credit
the inquiry will bring down your credit score for a
specified period of time so be wary of applying for
credit, even when the department store offers you 20%
off. It may not be worthwhile in the long term. Also,
do not cancel credit card accounts but rather just
destroy them if you do not plan to use them as
canceling an account will work against you.
You can repair your credit for the better within 6
months to a year with just a little work and
consistency. Pay your bills regularly, do not apply
for credit unless you absolutely must and utilize the
credit you do have infrequently. You will be able to
repair your credit and start your credit life over.