Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator
The Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator is an easy to
use tool to perform map or GPS coordinate
conversions. The software can be used to transform a
single coordinate or a batch of coordinates read from
a comma separated, database or ESRI shapefiles. The
software is shipped with a MS Access database file,
containing more then 3500 ellipsoid, map datum and map
grid definitions around the world, which are
identified by their EPSG code. It is possible to
modify the definitions of all datums and map grids
stored in the database. You can also create user
defined map grids and map datums, so you can extend
the database with newly introduced map datums.
Supported map projections include: Transverse Mercator
(regular and south orientated), Universal Transverse
Mercator, (Hotine) Oblique Mercator, Swiss Oblique
Mercator, Mercator, Oblique Stereographic, Polar
Stereographic, Cassini, Albers Equal Area Conic,
Polyconic, Mollweide, Gauss Kruger, Krovak, Lambert
Azimuthal Equal Area and Lambert Conformal Conic
projection (regular and west orientated). Software can