Movie Player
Movie player is an extremely easy to use software
which can play almost any audio/video file in almost
any format including vob, rmvb, mp4, 3gp, wmv, mov,
xvid, divx, avi, mpg, flv, mkv, mp3, aac, flac, wma,
m4a, ac3, wav etc. It acts as your dvd decoder too.
This player associates itself with all these formats
so all you need to do is double click on the file
which you need to be played. You can also create,
edit, open and save playlists. There are various other
options available like changing video ratio to fit it
on screen, synchronizing audio/video, synchronising
subtitles, frame steps etc. Forget all those complex
player and simply use this simple and yet with all
features Movie Player.