#1-TuffTEST for Windows
#1-TuffTEST for Windows is a comprehensive hardware
system analysis utility program that helps you
diagnose problems on PCs running Microsoft Windows
operating systems. It tests the PC's hardware
components, singles out faulty areas and provides a
tabbed property sheet display that summarizes the
overall performance of each component. Tests and
Functions include System Information; DMI Information;
INI Information; Processor Test; Memory Test; Audio
Test Test; Modem Test; Graphics Test; Hard Disk Test;
CD-ROM Test; System Stress Test; Benchmarking Test;
Cleanup Tool; TCP Tool; SCSI Tool; and USB Tool. The
tests can be run individually or, to evaluate the
entire target PC's status, as part of the Stress Test
function where #1-TuffTEST for Windows can be scripted
to run the selected test modules sequentially or
concurrently and can also be set up to stop or
continue on any error that arises. Passing an
overnight Stress Test with no errors reported would
indicate that a PC's hardware is in very stable
condition. Running the Stress Test periodically on a