Sitemap Generator 2009 Pro
The Sitemap Generator 2009 PRO will help you generate
the best Google Sitemap (also Yahoo! and Yandex
Sitemap) file(s) for your website.
Some Features of Sitemap Generator 2009 PRO:
* Make a sitemap, your search engine rank will
thank you.
* Save the website settings as a Project (SGP File
Format) in any place for the future use.
* Open the Project at one click of the mouse!
* Strict compliance with the Sitemap 0.90 protocol
* Easily exclude certain files from the Sitemap.
* Strip index files for short pathes.
* Fresher search results on Google.
* Auto generates "Last Modified Date" directly from
* Create Site Maps using your files saved on your
computer (Local copy of the website).
* Easily copy and paste the output into a current
* Save your sitemap so you can add to it at a later
* XML and Simple Text Unicode (UTF-8) output
formats for variety.
* Generate Sitemap Index file and split sitemaps
over 50,000 addresses.
* Searches through your folders and creates a site
map in seconds.
* Include .html, .php, and .asp pages as well as
any other file extensions.
* No internet connection is needed to generate sitemap!