![Click to enlarge the ScreenShot](http://www.p-dd.org/pddorg-accnt-screen.jpg)
Accounting Solutions
Accounting software provides an enterprise resource
planning software offers a comprehensive business suite
with everything you need in one powerful solution.
Accounting program system components are tightly
integrated, giving you access to real-time business
intelligence to make better decisions and you automate
business process across the company. Financial
accounting software is powerful and comprehensive
accounting utility to manage all your business
accounting records in computerized format. Professional
inventory software provides advanced accounting
financial modules including company, voucher entry,
reports, automatic bill generation and so on for
maintaining and accessing official accounting records
in the easiest way. Financial accounting software also
provides the security features like login service and
freeze date facility that helps in easy authentication
of your financial records from unauthorized persons.
Accounting inventory software maintains data integrity
and easily reduces duplicity of accounting records with
enhanced data backup and restores facility for future
use. Finance management program has an attractive
graphical interface and provides a good working
platform for managing the company reports. Accounting
software is easy, reliable, cost-effective, time saving
and no technical skills are required to work on
it.Features:* Bookkeeping software help to maintain
company business accounting details in real time.*
Accounting software easily runs with all Windows
operating system including Windows XP, NT, 2003 server,
2000, ME and Windows Vista.* Personal accounting tool
allows users with multiple unit creation, currency
creation and currency converter.* Inventory management
software manages company expenses and income
information in financial year.* Financial bookkeeping
application facilitates to create day book, cash book,
production report and other to analyze financial
condition of company.