MainMedia Tiff Image & Fax ActiveX SDK
Read Bmp, Emf, Ico, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PCX, PNG, PSD,
Gif, Png,PGX, RAS, PNM, Wmf, WBMP, TGA and Tiff image
Write image as Bmp, Emf, Ico, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PCX,
PNG, Gif, Png, PGX, RAS, PNM, Wmf, WBMP, TGA and Tiff
image formats.
User define JPEG Quality when save to JPEG file.
Support CCITT3, JPEG, CCITT4, LZW and Packbits
Macintosh RLE Multipage TIFF.
Printing multipage image with single print job, print
range of pages, support sets the number of pages
displayed horizontally and vertically.
Load multi-page TIFF from http URL.
Load image from database table.
Save image to database table.
Support Resize , rotate, flip image.
Support Rubber band and crop an image.
Support Draw overlay text and watermak image.
Scroll the image smoothly, and provide a image
location bookmark tools.
Include C#, VB6 sample source code.
Compatible with any programming language that
supports ActiveX , including Visual Basic, Visual
C++, Delphi, Visual FoxPro, XBasic, Microsoft Word,
Access, Realbasic, Microsoft Excel, WinDev, .NET
environment like C#, VB.NET, C++ 2005 and many