SDB Explorer : A user interface for Amazon SimpleDB
SDB Explorer is a User Interface for Amazon's
SimpleDB. You can organize your structured data in
SimpleDB domains and can run queries on them securely
for "pay only for what you use" price. Using SDB
Explorer, you can safely organize your structured data
off-site on Amazon SimpleDB. You can use SDB Commander
as a command line tool for Amazon SimpleDB.
To use Amazon SimpleDB services all you need to do is:
1. Create an AWS (Amazon Web Services) account at
2. Subscribe to Amazon SimpleDB Service.
3. Download and install SDB Explorer.
4. Enter your Access Key and Secret Key from your AWS
Access Identifiers page in SDB Explorer window to
connect with SimpleDB.
5. Create your domains and upload, manage your
structured data online on SimpleDB.
Why use Amazon SimpleDB?
-Your data is secure.