Creative DW Menus Pack Developer
Creative DW Menu Pack is a suite of Dreamweaver
extensions that seamlessly blends the flexibility of
DHTML and the Flash look and feel to create
beautifully web site menus. You can generate Drop
Down, Vertical and Tabbed menus in PHP, ASP and
ColdFusion from your database of choice.
Main Features
* Create drop-down, vertical and tabbed menus
* 30 skins and over 35 button effects, 100%
* Generate menus from the database using PHP, ASP
or ColdFusion
* Liquid menu layouts, round corners and gradients
* Advanced styling system to customize the menu
colors & fonts, from the user interface
* Easy HTML integration in both DIV and TABLE
based layouts
* No hand-coding - the implementation can be done
entirely from the Dreamweaver interface