Ahsay Backup Software Free Edition
The FREE Edition is for home users and small companies
who have 2 desktop or laptop computers to back up. It
comes with 2 AhsayACB and 1 AhsayOBS. The Business
Edition contains AhsayOBM license which is server
grade backup client.
If the AhsayOBS backup server and the client computers
with AhsayACB installed are on the same network,
AhsayACB will automatically pointed to the AhsayOBS
and you can start doing backup right away. If the
AhsayOBS backup server is located offsite, you need to
enter the IP address or the domain name of the
AhsayOBS in AhsayACBs in order to have them correctly
connected to the AhsayOBS.
In case you need more than 2 client access licenses of
AhsayACB, follow the "Buy Licenses Online!" linkage
located at the bottom right hand corner of AhsayOBS to
purchase a package of Ahsay6¾4 Backup Software Business