Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) is a software
solution for managing the storage of reports,
statements and invoices that originates as host-
generated data. By storing information on inexpensive
electronic media, COLD reduces and often eliminates
the need to print reports on paper or microfilm. COLD
can be used to automatically capture, index, archive
and deliver high-volume print runs of anything -
accounting reports, invoices, transcripts, bills, bank
account statements, and so on. The COLD server
operates by capturing the print stream that a host
application, such as an accounting, MRP or ERP
program, would send to line printer or laser printer.
The COLD server has the ability to read the print
stream and render an on-screen rendition of the
printed document exactly as it would appear on paper.
It also extracts index information from the textual
content of the documents in the print stream into a
database for subsequent search, retrieval, workflow,
data mining and long term lifecycle management. The
COLD server can capture simple ASCII print streams and
merge them on preprinted business forms such as an
invoice form. And it can also capture advanced print
streams for IBM AFP, Xerox Metacode and Hewlett
Packard PCL printers to render super high quality
variable print documents on-line as PDF. COLD is one
of the most cost-justifiable of all document
management technologies. It saves money by reducing
printing and storage costs, and increases productivity
by streamlining filing and retrieval.FileMark is a
pioneer and an expert in COLD technology. We have been
deploying departmental COLD solutions for end users
for over twenty years. Today, FileMark COLD technology
can be used to extend the functionality of any ECM
system. Our add-on component pricing is much more
affordable than that of a standalone COLD system. You
can specify exactly what type and level of component
functionality you need and we will integrate our code
with your ECM system.