Infant Crib Bedding
Looking for infant crib bedding? The first thing you
need to know is what comes with each set. The basic 3
piece set of infant crib bedding consists of a quilt,
bumper pad and a fitted sheet.
A four piece set adds a dust ruffle. The 6 piece set
includes the quilt, bumper pad, fitted sheet, dust
ruffle and adds a diaper stacker and one other piece
that varies with the manufacturer.
Many parents-to-be choose to learn the sex of the
child. If you do, you can find one themed to baby
boys or baby girls. If you don't there are many
neutral patterns available in infant crib bedding that
are neutral - Winnie the Pooh or Disney characters
like Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck are examples.
If you've already decided on a theme or primary color
scheme for the baby's room, that will make looking for
an infant crib bedding set that will fit in. In
addition, finding cribs and dressers that fit in with