Free Baby Products
Nielsen Home Scan is a service offered by the Nielsen
research group, and it is only available for a limited
time. The Nielsen Home Scan program is designed for
families looking to participate in research groups,
and to be rewarded for doing so.
We were a Nielsen family last year and it was really
fun, and we got some great coupons and free samples
for participating. They send you a scanner that you
use to scan in items you purchase from the store.
Based on the items you scan, you receive coupons and
samples based on those items.
So if you have a new baby, and scan in that baby
stuff, what types of coupons and samples do you think
you're going to receive? Yup, more free baby samples
and coupons.
So act quickly, the program ends soon, and once you
participate in one Nielsen research group you can
easily get into the other free sample research groups