Download Toolbar Icons
If your new product has anything to do with data
distribution of any type - from download archive and
other torrents to campus network - you must realize
that your audience will be very broad. Professionals
will quickly find the right functions and commands
from the menu and less experienced users will most
probably start from the main window and its toolbars.
If you want both professionals and novices to use your
application's features with equal efficiency, try
adding some large and informative icons to your
interface! Users will no longer need to try one
function after another to get what they need - a good
icon will always unambiguously point them in the right
Therefore, if you are developing a brand new web
archive or working on a complete makeover of your
existing music storage, you should devote appropriate
time to this aspect. However, if you don't have time
or skills to do that, there is absolutely no need to
create icons in-house or hire somebody for this job.