IE Accelerator
Accelerate the surfing and downloading speed of your
Internet Explorer by up to 2 to 6 times.
IE Accelerator is a download accelerator for Microsoft
Internet Explorer(shortly IE). It is designed based on
the undocumented documents of Microsoft Windows.
Instead of optimizing serveral keys in the registry,
IE Accelerator increases the simultaneous connections
of each IE windows. So the surfing and downloading
speed is boosted enormously, especially when opening a
website with many pictures.
IE Accelerator has been tested with Modem, LAN, ISDN,
CATV, ADSL, Cable and other types of connection. Once
accelerated, the download speeds are increased by up
to 200 to 600 percent. However, this may vary on
different computers.
Users should launch IE Accelerator before IE starts or
make it automatically loaded in the start-up group.