A new solution for those who often uses different USB
devices. QuickUnplug allows you to safely remove any
USB device without any routine. It's quite gangerous
to unplug a USB device without any precautions - some
important info can be damaged. Sure there is built-in
Windows method of safe removing USB devices, but it is
time taking and really boring.
QuickUnplug is far more convenient due to its unique
features. The first one allows to safely unplug USB
devices via command line. No GUI - no additional
clicks. Quick and easy. Second, QuickUnplug displays
the disks on the USB device that has been plugged in.
Third, if you are accustomed to handle programs via
GUI, there is one for you. The interface of
QuickUnpluq is so intuitive that even a beginner will
figure out how it works in seconds.
QuickUnplug gives you full control over
connection\disconnection of USB devices. When you
connect a device, QuickUnplug displays its name and
disk. QuickUnplug can also launch some assigned
program if you like. Imagine you connect USB device