Virtual Calc 2000
Virtual Calc 2000 is a Windows calc.exe replacement. It is a graphical calculator that supports LARGE numbers. In addition, it is revolutionary in its scientific features... Unconstrained base (supports base 2 , base 3, base 33, base 56, etc) Unconstrained digits (supports infinite digits) Unconstrained precision (supports floating point of any base to infinite precision) Unconstrained symbols (remap any operator and numerical symbol to any char) Expressions (1+3+(5*6.666666/(-1234^33))-1.34)As well as its User interface features...Always on Top (calculator has option to stay on top of all windows) Tray Icon (easy access from the tray) Load, Save, Copy to files and clipboard (for those large numbers) No Retyping (You can re-edit old expressions, without retyping the whole thing!)