From time to time you may need to save images or text
that you copy to the clipboard as files on your
computer or instantly share them with your friends
through the Internet.
If you for example are reading an interesting document
and would like to save some text from it because it
may be useful in the future or whatever. Or you have
made an important screenshot or have got a funny
picture and want to instantly share it with your
colleagues or friends. It seems that this involves too
many steps - select some text, copy it, open your text
editor, paste, save... Who knows how many important
ideas were lost for this reason?
This easy to use clipboard utility will help you. Just
select some text or an image that you want to save and
copy it to the clipboard. And that's all! The rest of
the work will be done by ClipboardCC. The program will
save the clip and store it in any place as you wish.
These places are:
- your computer;
- Picasa Web Albums for images and Google Documents