4Media PPT to Video Converter Free
4Media PPT to Video Converter Free is a completely
FREE PPT video creator, which converts PPT files to
general videos such as AVI, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG2,
WMV, MOV and FLV, enabling you to watch PPT files on
PCs without Microsoft PowerPoint, or share them on
YouTube or other video sharing site.
1. Convert PPT files to AVI, WMV, MP4 or MOV videos
for playback on PC’s media players.
2. Convert PPT files to FLV videos and then upload
them to YouTube or other video sharing site.
3. Remove the animation and sound effect to make a PPT
video quickly.
4. Adjust the resolution, video quality, frame rate
and other parameters to satisfy specific need. You can
save the modified as a new profile of your own.
5. Preview all the slides in the PPT file one by one.
6. Compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint XP/2003/2007
formats: ppt, pptx, pptm, ppsx, pps, ppsr, potx, potm,
7. No coding and multimedia editing technology needed.
Amazingly easy to handle.