BallStream Drawsheet Control
The BallStream Drawsheet Control is specially designed
to cater for seeded draw sheets for 8, 16, 32, 64 and
128 player fields. The software will total your
players and automatically place them in the draw
according to seed order allowing for byes.
Once your players have been added for the Event you
can sort the seed list by either click-dragging rows
or by entering their rank number from 1 to whatever
number of entries you have. Click-dragging rows may
ensure that there are no errors in the sequence
however the numbering option may be more suitable when
you have a long list of players.
When each match is filled by two (2) players a
hyperlink will become active for that match. When that
match finishes you need to use that hyperlink to open
the appropriate form to update the score results. Each
winner will then automatically go through to their
next round and when that round is filled by 2 players
another hyperlink will become active and so on until