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  Games - 3D Action Games

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  Final Fantasy VII  -  Version 

This is where the story of Final Fantasy VII begins. It seems that an evil power company called Shinra, Inc. has found a way to mine the planet's life energy, draining it from the planet and using it to control the universe. Fortunately, a resistance organization know as AVALANCHE, has vowed to put an end to Shinra's destructive practices. The story focuses on Cloud, an ex-soldier of Shinra, who teams up with AVALANCHE, and along the way, encounters some very mysterious and powerful allies who help him fight against the deadly creatures Shinra has created to protect its empire. You, as the game player, will decide their fate. Featuring seamless 3D gameplay and animation, Final Fantasy VII contains hundreds of pre- rendered, computer-generated backgrounds and features real-time battles, vast map screens, and a complex and engrossing storyline. Published on three CDs, Final Fantasy VII will be one of the largest and most richly detailed gaming experiences ever created.

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