BitDisk 7
Probably everyone of us is has had the situations when
we accidentally deleted important files or even
witnessed an operating system crash. That's when we
suddenly realized: "Why haven't I ever thought of any
ways to prevent this?!" But at that moment it's
usually too late; our crucial data is lost, the system
doesn't want to restore, and nothing can be recovered.
Preventing these exact situations is what BitDisk 7
was created for. Once you have it installed on your
computer, nothing will vanish or disappear from it.
Now every time you boot the computer, it will be in
the same perfect state that you have defined for it.
So, how does it work after all? It's very simple: The
moment you install BitDisk7 on your computer, all and
any changes that take place thereafter are not
registered; instead, they are stored in a special
container on the hard drive and are removed after
reboot, bringing the computer back to its
original "perfect" state. The fully functional demo
version allows 10 trial launches. You can activate the
application at any time after the demonstration period